Safety & Emergency Info

Reunification Procedures

Please have your photo ID ready!

  1. All adults must assemble at the Check-In Gate to pick up students.
  2. Show your photo ID at the Student Release table and identify which student(s) you are picking up.
    1. Student Release team will verify that you are on the student’s Emergency Contact Card as someone who is authorized to pick them up from school.
  3. You will be given a Student Release Ticket. Then, you will go to a Student Supervisor on the field, and they will help you find your child(ren).
    1. If you are picking up multiple students, you will have multiple Student Release Tickets
    2. We will keep the Student Release Tickets as a record of to whom we have released students.
  4. Once you find your child(ren), the Student Release team will check that the Student Release Ticket matches the student’s ID badge. The SRT(s) will be collected, and the student(s) will be released to you.

We appreciate your patience and flexibility as we try to ensure the safety of all of our students.

Emergency Preparedness

The Irvine Police Department Office of Emergency Management recommends all citizens to be prepared for all emergencies. Emergencies and disasters can strike quickly and without warning. You may be forced to evacuate your neighborhood or be confined to your home.

Local first responders will be mobilized, but cannot reach everyone in our city right away. What would you do if basic services - water, natural gas, electricity, landline and cellular telephones - were cut off? You can cope with disaster by preparing in advance. Here are some steps that can make you better prepared for all hazards which may impact our community.

Safe Ingress & Egress Routes

It is so important that parents adhere to the safe routes for drop-off and pick-up during regular school days, but it’s even more essential in the event of an emergency. Please be sure to obey all traffic laws and College Park expectations when entering / exiting campus. (This includes checking in with the front office whenever you plan to be on campus!)