Student Handbook

after school

Students and parents are NOT to be in the building or in any classroom after school is out.  All students will be walked out of the school building and can meet parents at the lunch tables (or other area that you designate for your family).  No one may enter the building after students are released from the back or side doors.  After school hours, parents and students should re-enter through the front doors and direct all questions and concerns with the office staff who will call the teacher if necessary.  Thank you for following this important guideline and helping our school be a safe place where responsibility is practiced.

behavioral management

In California, all students have the responsibility to comply with the regulations, pursue the required course of study, and to submit to the authority of teachers. (Education Code 48921)  In addition, the Education Code states that teachers must enforce the course of study, the use of authorized textbooks and the prescribed rules and regulations. Also, teachers must hold students to strict account for their conduct. (Section 44805)

We believe that all students, when given proper guidance and reinforcement, can and will behave appropriately.  We believe that most behavior results in a positive or negative consequence.  It is with this in mind that we have formulated a few basic rules to assist us in providing students with a safe, orderly, and respectful environment.

The College Park School Rules are based on core values of honesty, respectfulness, responsibility, perseverance, compassion, cooperation, courage, civic duty as well as, safety. These core values will be taught by utilizing a school wide approach called Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS). Our staff will teach four School Wide Behavioral Expectations: W.A.V.E

A behavioral matrix has been attached (click here) for your review. This school-wide commitment to positive behavior support helps in identifying, teaching, and reinforcing the expected behaviors and will allow students to achieve academic, behavioral, and social success.

Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) is a school-wide positive behavior system that is focused on defined behavior expectations and positive reinforcement for all students.

Additionally, we have developed a process & procedure referral form as a way to gain more understanding into why a student may violate College Park’s Behavioral Expectations (click here to view ODR referral form).

birthdays & celebrations

Due to the high amount of sugary treats children are given, we will no longer allow edible treats to celebrate birthdays. It is important that your child is recognized on his/her special day, so parents may do so (if they choose) by sending in non-food items to share with the class such as pencils, erasers, rulers, bookmarks, etc. Parents and children may also donate a book to the student’s class or the school library in recognition of their birthday.

camera Surveillance Notice

For student safety, surveillance cameras have been mounted around College Park.  Live and/or captured video activity may be shared with public safety agencies and school personnel may use captured activity in student disciplinary proceedings.  Captured activity on the District’s surveillance system that is determined to be criminal or suspected criminal in nature may be referred to law enforcement, as appropriate.camera_guidelines.pdf

campus visitations

Visitors are always welcome at College Park.  In the interest of safety, we do ask that all visitors report to the office to sign in whenever you come inside the building.  This includes school performances, celebrations, volunteering, etc.  At that time, visitors will be issued a badge to wear, indicating to the students and staff that they are authorized to be on campus.

classroom interruptions

The College Park staff makes a concerted effort to establish a learning environment that is conducive to the development of good study habits and uninterrupted academic learning time.  We seek your cooperation and assistance in this effort.  You can help us by:

  1. Sending the teacher a note should you need to pick up your child early, thus eliminating the need for us to call the classroom.
  2. Avoiding calling school and leaving messages for your child, unless it is an emergency. The telephone is made available to students only for emergencies.
  3. Establishing a system that helps eliminate forgotten lunches, homework, money, musical   instruments, etc. Parents bringing forgotten items to school should place them in the baskets located in our office*. Children are encouraged to check these baskets for forgotten items throughout the day.

    Baskets are taken to the lunch tables at the beginning of the first lunch and remain there for the duration of all lunch periods in order to allow children to retrieve their forgotten lunch.

computer/internet use

Board Policy: Technology

Computer and Internet Use

To utilize the computers and local area network at College Park, students and their parent(s) are required to annually read and affirm agreement with our Technology Use Agreement.  Please discuss school expectations with regard to technology, consequences for misuse of equipment, and the trust and responsibility associated with access to the Internet.  Failure to adhere to this contract may result in disciplinary action and restricted use of technology while at school.

  • Computers are to be used solely for academic use.
  • Games, downloads, and personal Email are not allowed at school.
  • All internet sites must be school appropriate.
  • Students who bring a personal device must abide by the classroom teacher’s Acceptable Use Policy.

Library / Media Center

College Park’s Library and Media Center are open to all College Park students to accommodate the following activities: quiet studying and reading, selecting books to borrow and return when due, browsing book collections, Internet on-line research and word-processing projects.  Students are expected to conserve Library and Media Center resources, including the number of pages they print from the computer or at the copy machine, and treat the computer hardware or library printed materials with care.  Students must get a pass from a teacher when visiting outside of their class’ usual schedule.

curricular policies

IUSD Curriculum Page

dress code

There are a wide range of available clothing styles that reflect a positive attitude and appearance. We ask that students attending College Park wear clothing that is comfortable, clean, and appropriate for an elementary school. Because our instructional program includes active play, students must wear clothing that allows them to run and jump. Clothing and other items students wear must not disrupt the educational process nor create any form of disturbance.

Inappropriate clothing includes:

  • Pants or shorts must be the proper size and should be 3-4 inches in length (minimum). 

  • Shirts must have straps

  • The entire area from shoulder straps or shoulders to the bottom of the 3-4 inch length of shorts must be covered.  

  • Any clothing that prohibits students from participating in all activities of the educational program, including P.E., should not be worn at school. Examples are: 

  • Sandals, platforms, heels, sling-type shoes, Heelys (and similar products), flip-flops, Crocs, or jellies are considered unsafe and not allowed. Tennis shoes are the ideal shoe for play and exercise.          

  • Dangling earrings are dangerous and are not appropriate school attire.     

  • Students should not wear shirts or tops that contain offensive or obscene symbols that promote alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gangs, tagging, violence, or that degrade any gender, cultural or ethical values.              

  • Any article of clothing that does not cover the mid-section or undergarments (boxers, bra straps, etc.) are not appropriate for school.

  • Hats and hoods may be worn outside for protection.

  • Staff members monitor our school dress policy. Parents are contacted when students violate our dress policy. Inappropriately dressed students will be asked to phone their parents for a change of clothes or may be given alternative clothing to wear, instead.

With the support and cooperation of our parents, students, and staff, College Park will be a positive and productive learning environment.

Cell Phones, Smartwatches, and Electronic Devices 

Board Policy 5131.6

Unless otherwise directed by a teacher, all cellular phones and electronic devices (i.e. smart phone, tablet, iPad, smart watch, etc.) must be completely turned off (not just placed on silent mode) and put away in backpacks during school hours (including recess and lunch).  Texting, social media, taking videos, photographs or audio recordings at school is not allowed without prior permission from a teacher or administrator. Any phone that rings, vibrates or is used during the school day without teacher permission is subject to confiscation and parent pick-up. We realize that having to pick up a student’s phone or device may be inconvenient and, therefore, we recommend you discuss this policy with your child in order to avoid this problem.  College Park does not take responsibility for lost or damaged cell phones (Board Policy 5131.6).

*All electronic devices brought to school by students are the responsibility of the student in regards to damage, loss, and appropriate usage.

The phone in the front office may be used by students during the school day for emergency purposes or urgent matters, and used by students after school who are unable to locate or otherwise contact their parent/guardian. In order to minimize classroom interruptions, we also do not deliver non-emergency phone messages from the office to individual classrooms. We ask that you take care of all after-school arrangements with your child before he/she leaves for school. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

*As trends and technology change, the school leadership teams reserve the right to amend these policies as needed in order to keep a safe and effective school environment, consistent with the IUSD Board Policy.

early dismissal/parent custody

Children leaving campus need to be signed out by the parent/guardian.  Please come to the office to do so and we will call for your child.  Children will only be released to parents or other adults listed by you on the child’s emergency card.  If there are specific limitations related to the release of a child to a natural parent, please be advised that legal custody documents must be on file in the office.  The natural mother or father can obtain their child from school at any time, unless a court order is on file indicating otherwise. Photo I.D. is required.

forgotten items

In an effort to keep class disruptions to a minimum, items cannot be delivered to the classroom. If you need to deliver a forgotten lunch, homework or a musical instrument for a student, please deliver the item to the front office. Please remind your child to always check in the office if they have forgotten something.

health requirements

Immunizations: “NO SHOTS, NO SCHOOL.” All students entering for the first time are required to have proof of immunization against diphtheria, pertussis (Whooping Cough), tetanus, polio, mumps, measles, rubella, Hepatitis B, and Chicken Pox.  TB is no longer required.


The homework that your child's teacher assigns should be extra reading and math fact /concept practice.   The amount of homework assigned has been determined collectively by our teachers. On average, students should spend the following amount of time on homework each school night:

  • Grades K-3, 20 minutes to 1 hour
  • Grades 4-6, 1 hour 

Should the amount of time children typically spend on homework differ significantly from the above, parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher.  Homework is intended to be an independent activity. If your child requires a significant amount of assistance in order to complete his/her homework, please contact your child’s teacher. 
Parents are best able to assist their child by setting up a special place where homework is to be done.  Specific times should be set up that do not conflict with other planned activities. This will provide structure to the homework routine.  


When a student becomes ill or is in need of first aid at school, the child is brought to the office. If it is a serious injury or illness, paramedics are called first, then parents. If the situation is not serious enough for paramedics, parents will be called following assessment and / or treatment of the problem. The only allowable treatment available would be cleaning with water, ice pack, and / or band-aid.

As important as punctuality and attendance are to student achievement, children should not be sent to school ill. If a child is ill or has a fever, please keep him/her at home. State law mandates that a child must be kept home until he/she is “fever free” for 24 hours without the use of medication. If your child vomits at home or school, they need to be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school.

In order to keep all our students safe, it is important that we verify all student absences as soon as possible each day.  Should your child need to be absent from school, please call our attendance line at 936-5551 to report the absence. This number may be called at any time.  If possible, we ask that you call this number and report your child’s absence by 8:45 a.m.  By doing this, we can avoid calling you at home or work to verify your child’s absence. It is important that children be in attendance whenever possible. In addition to missing important classroom instruction, students are often challenged with feelings of trying to catch up.  Homework may be requested after the second day of absence.

items brought from home

Personal play equipment, such as toys, balls, games, etc. should not be brought to school unless special permission has been granted by the teacher or principal. This includes electronic devices like music players, media players, and video games.

Under no circumstances are alcohol, drugs, drug paraphernalia, nicotine and non-nicotine products(i.e. e-cigarettes), knives, guns, replica guns, or other weapons permitted on campus. Students in possession of the above items will be suspended and/or expelled from school.


Hot lunches are available for students in grades 1-6 each school day. Students may pay for and extra lunch or snack with cash or by establishing a LINQ Connect online account. To create an account for your child, please log into and click on Business Services to access the Food Services page. You will be guided through the process. For those students with existing accounts, you may pay online or pay with a check. Envelopes are available in the school office to use if you pay with a check. Once a deposit is made in your child’s account, he/she will be able to buy lunch. If you have any further questions, please call IUSD Food Services at 936-6520.

Milk is available for those students who bring their lunches for $.75.  Students may pay with cash or deduct from their LINQ Connect account.

Lunch may be brought from home. Food delivery such as mobile order, delivery services, & large quantity orders are not allowed (ex. Postmates, Uber Eats, Doordash, etc.). Parent drop off lunches must be at the front office table by 11 am. and students must know to come pick it up on their own.  The front office will not disrupt classes to announce a late lunch drop off.

Please encourage your children to bring their lunches when they leave for school in the morning. If you need to deliver a forgotten lunch, please deliver the item to the front office. Lunches MAY NOT be delivered to individual backpacks or to students on the playground without clearance from the office.

health requirements

Please be certain that your child has a lunch each day.  In an effort to foster student responsibility, it is our policy not to loan lunch money.

lost & found

Throughout the school year, we accumulate a large number of sweaters, sweatshirts, and jackets.  If your child is missing any of these articles, please visit the lost and found racks located near the lunch tables. Smaller items such as glasses, watches, calculators, etc. are kept in the office. Please be advised that any items not claimed each month will be donated to charitable organizations.


Any time your child requires medication at school, the medication must be kept in the nurse’s office to be given by school personnel. LEGALLY, the school requires:

  1. Medication MUST be in the ORIGINAL pharmacy bottle, labeled by the pharmacist.  If needed at home also, ask the pharmacist to fill the RX in split bottles, label one for home use and the other for school use.
  2. The parent MUST sign a consent form prior to medication being administered. The form is available in the school office as well as on the IUSD website under Health Services (Medication Request 2 page Form)
  3. The physician MUST sign a consent form prior to medication being administered. Medication will not be administered unless instructions are specific.
  4. Medication MUST be brought to school by an adult. At no time should medication arrive at school in a lunch box, backpack, baggie, etc.
  5. These regulations apply to NON-PRESCRIPTION medications, as well. Non-prescription drugs include aspirin, vitamins, cough syrup, ointments, etc. The only exception would be if parent / guardian gives consent to provide first aid such as calamine lotion, eye wash, Vaseline, etc.

*** Cough drops (non-medicated – menthol are OK) are allowed to be provided and kept in the Health Office with a note from the parent.  Students should not have these on-hand.

Please do not ask school personnel to administer medications supplied by you until the above mentioned requirements have been met.

Please do not ask school personnel to supply your child with medication as no medications are supplied by the school.

Please do not send your child to school with medications of any kind.


The District provides school-based mental health/ wellness services and resources ( or  to students and families. These services include short-term individual or group counseling for students at the school site; short-term, solution-focused therapy for students and families through the Irvine Family Resource Center; and resource linkages to community-based mental health or social services for students and families. Services are provided by counselors or licensed mental health professionals.

Nondiscrimination Statement

The Irvine Unified School District is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs and activities including membership in student clubs shall be free from discrimination based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, ethnic group identification, immigration status, age, religion, actual or potential parental, family, or marital status, or the exclusion of any person because of pregnancy or related conditions, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; the perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.

The District does not discriminate in enrollment in or access to any of the activities and programs available. Admission to these programs is based on age appropriateness, class space, interest, aptitude, and prerequisite coursework where applicable. The lack of English skills shall not be a barrier to admission to or participation in the District’s activities and programs. The Irvine Unified School District also does not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices.*

*The full Nondiscrimination statement can be found at and Board Policy 5145.5

parent teacher association

The College Park PTA is a very active and supportive group.  The association is composed of volunteer parents and committed staff members who devote their time and talents to providing support for our school and special experiences and events for our students. There are many opportunities for parents to become involved.  Your membership and participation in this outstanding organization benefits your child’s education. Meetings are held five times a year in the school multi-purpose room. Membership and other PTA information will be available on our website and as part of our re-registration process.

parent volunteers

College Park welcomes and values our volunteer parents. Without volunteers, many programs and activities offered at our school would not be possible. Parents will be given opportunities to sign-up to help in the classroom, and to assist with various events taking place throughout the school year. All volunteers must fill out a volunteer application online before coming onto campus for safety reasons.  Click here to access the online volunteer application.  Once you have completed the application, please bring a government issued photo identification into the office.  The office staff will scan your identification card and give you a volunteer card which you will scan each time that you are volunteering on campus.


Pets should not be on campus unless the teacher or principal has granted special permission.  Please be aware that, pursuant to Orange County Ordinance 41.46, dogs are not to be on school grounds at any time.  Should you choose to bring your dog when walking your child to and from school, please wait for your child off school grounds.

playground supervision

Playground supervision for upper grade students will begin at 7:45 a.m. and begin at 8:00 a.m. for primary students. For your child’s safety, upper grade students should not arrive on campus prior to 7:45 a.m. and primary students should not arrive on campus prior to 8:00 a.m. After school supervision will end at 2:30 p.m. on regular school days and at 1:45 p.m. on modified or minimum days. All students should leave campus by that time unless other arrangements have been made. No student will be kept after school without prior parent permission.

rainbow rising

Rainbow Rising is a positive alternative for working parents in need of childcare.  Rainbow Rising is located on campus in the two buildings adjacent to the entrance to our parking lot.  Hours are from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.  If you would like additional information, including fees, please call (949) 552-0366. To receive information regarding other Irvine childcare facilities, you may call the Irvine Community Services Department at (949) 724-6632 or (949) 724-6635.

report cards/parent conferences

Report cards are issued at the end of each trimester during the school year. During the first month of school, parents are invited to attend Back to School Night to learn about the grade level curriculum and instructional program for their child. This evening is for adults only. A goal setting parent/teacher conference is held in September or October to establish learning goals for each student. A second parent/teacher conference is scheduled in the spring for some students who need the check in.  Parents are encouraged to schedule conferences with the teacher anytime they feel there is a need during the school year.

Open House is scheduled mid-year. All members of the family are invited to come and share in the activities and experiences your child has had during the school year and this will inform your family of the expectations and daily life of your child here at school.

student recognition program

The College Park staff wants to publicly affirm appropriate student behavior and positive character development. Each teacher has his or her own method for recognizing positive student behavior, outstanding citizenship, academic achievement, outstanding effort, athletic and physical fitness achievement, and demonstration of ethical behavior.  We welcome the opportunity to assist our students’ parents in helping their child become a happy, productive citizen.

safety & disaster preparation

We want to reassure you that College Park has an extensive emergency plan. In compliance with California law, the Irvine Unified School District uses the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) in its emergency plans and procedures. Response procedures are in place to activate the emergency plan. Each year the staff reviews and practices the plan in mock drills to ensure the safest and most efficient response to an emergency. State law requires each elementary school to conduct monthly fire drills, a lock-down drill, and a drop-and-cover drill as part of the emergency preparedness plan.In addition, many of our staff members are trained in First Aid and CPR.  Our school staff is prepared to deal with a major emergency and to provide for the physical and emotional needs of students while they are under our supervision, as well as their orderly and safe release.Carefully submit and regularly update the names and phone numbers of approved contacts via the Parent Portal at  Remember, in the event of a disaster, access to students will be carefully controlled so that we may account for every child.  Students will be released ONLY to adults with proper identification who are designated on the child’s emergency data.  All adults must check in at the designated student-release areas (near the back of the field, toward the city park) to pick up and sign out students in the event of a major disaster.

How can you help ensure our students’ safety as a parent?

  • Always sign-in your child in the office if your child is arriving late or sign-out your child in the office if your child is leaving school.
  • Volunteer in your child’s class. Make sure to sign-in and out and wear a visitor/volunteer sticker or badge at all times.
  • Be familiar with the school site and report anything out of the ordinary to the school office or after school hours to the police.
  • Carefully read all newsletters and correspondence sent home by the school.

In the event of an emergency:

  • Remain calm.
  • Walk to the playground and follow student release procedures.
  • Ask, “How can I help?”
  • Volunteer to help and follow the instructions and guidelines carefully.

safety to & from school

Only children in grades 3-6 may ride their bicycles to school. Each bicycle must be in safe working order and be equipped with a lock and be parked in the bike racks. California law requires that all school age bike riders wear safety helmets. Children are expected to follow all traffic safety laws when going to and from school. School rules include walking all bicycles when they are on school grounds. Riding a bicycle to school is a privilege that may be taken away by parents and the school if safety rules are not followed.

If your child will be walking or riding his/her bicycle to school, please discuss the safest route with your child. Bicyclists and pedestrians must use crosswalks and utilize the assistance of a crossing guard or staff member when provided. Students are not allowed to cross the parking lot at any time without using one of the crosswalks located at the entrance and exit of the parking lot.

Students are not allowed to ride skateboards, scooters, hover boards, rollerblades, or anything motorized to school. With the number of people around the school at arrival and dismissal, we feel that to allow students to ride these items to school could create a safety hazard and there is no space to store them safely.

student accident & health insurance

The school district makes available to parents a low cost accident and health insurance for their children. Forms are available through our re-registration process. Additional forms are available in the office. The desirability of having such a plan can provide benefits and coverage when help is needed.

tardy policy

In order to foster student responsibility, minimize classroom interruptions, and avoid unnecessary embarrassment, it is important that students arrive to school on time.  It is for these reasons that we have instituted a formal tardy policy at College Park.  A student is considered tardy if he/she arrives after class begins. This will be 8:00 a.m. for students in grades 4-6, 8:15 a.m. for students in grades 1-3, morning PK and kindergarten, and 10:20 a.m. for afternoon PK and kindergarten.  A tardy will be unexcused for any reason other than the following: medical appointment, dental appointment, mental/behavior health or late arriving school bus.

textbooks/library books

Textbooks and library books are school property and are loaned to students. Students are responsible for their safekeeping. All hard cover textbooks must be covered. Students are responsible to pay for lost or damaged textbooks.

tobacco policy

Irvine Unified School District strictly prohibits the use of products containing tobacco or nicotine, including, but not limited to smokeless tobacco, snuff, chew, and clove cigarettes, by students on any district campus. This prohibition also applies to electronic nicotine delivery systems, such as electronic cigarettes, electronic hookahs, and other vapor emitting devices with or without nicotine content that may mimic the use of tobacco products.

traffic & parking procedures

The Irvine Police Department actively patrols the area around College Park at arrival and dismissal times. They watch for cars speeding, illegally parking, and other unsafe driving behaviors.  In order to keep our students safe, we ask that parents use caution when driving in our parking lot and around our school. 
When parking in the neighborhood, please obey all traffic laws and be considerate to our neighbors. Please do not block driveways, leave trash in the area, allow your children to play on someone’s yard, or make excessive noise.

Please be advised that our parking lot is closed to parents and visitors between the hours of 7:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. each school day. During this time, parents and guests must park on one of the streets surrounding the school and drop off and pick up students in the designated areas. Those parents and guests who display a DMV handicapped placard will be permitted to enter the lot at any time. Three handicapped parking spaces are available for their use. Due to the very limited number of parking places, our parking lot is for staff parking only. Please do not park in these parking stalls at any time.

Two areas in front of the school, one on Fir Avenue and the other on Chaparral Avenue, have been designated as loading zones between the hours of 7:30 A.M. to 8:30 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. to 2:30 P.M.. During those times, you may only drop off and pick up your child. When dropping off students, please pull as far ahead as possible next to the curb in the loading zone before dropping off your children. This will keep things moving quickly. At no time may a driver leave his/her car unattended or park in the loading zone during the posted hours. In addition, the Irvine Police Department will cite any parent unloading students in the street away from the curb. Not only is it illegal, but incredibly dangerous.

Only during non loading zone hours, parents and guests are allowed to park in those areas on Fir and Chaparral Avenues. If you must walk your child to class, please park your car on the street.

If your 3rd - 6th grade child will be walking or riding his/her bicycle to school, please discuss the safest route with him or her.  Bicyclists and pedestrians must use crosswalks and utilize the assistance of a crossing guard or staff member when provided.  Students are not allowed to cross the parking lot at any time without using one of the crosswalks located at the entrance and exit of the lot.  They should always walk their bikes across crosswalks.  Please review these rules with them.

In the best interest of all, your cooperation with these traffic, loading, unloading, and parking procedures is greatly appreciated.

use of telephones

We ask that you make all arrangements for the day with your children before they leave for school. If the forecast is for rain, send them in a coat or jacket and give them a plan for pick up / dismissal for inclement weather. If after school activities are scheduled, be certain that they know what is expected of them before they leave for school. We ask that ONLY EMERGENCY MESSAGES be telephoned in to children, since we strive to keep instructional interruptions to a minimum. Arrangements with friends must be made prior to coming to school.